
Whether it’s an insect invasion or a raid of rodents, Pest Bully can eliminate and safeguard your home from all unwelcome visitors with our specialist pest control services.


Domestic and Commercial

General Pest Control

Rodent Treatments

Specialised Ant Sprays

Termite Treatments

Termite & Pest Inspections

Pre-Purchase & Pre-Sale Timber & Pest Inspections


Renovations, Extensions, Outdoor Living Area, Landscaping Projects



Schedorhinotermes and Coptotermes acinaciformis, more commonly known as termites, are a group of insects that operate in large colonies ranging from hundreds to several millions of termites. They are classified as being the species of insect with the longest life span, with queen termites living up to 50 years.

Termites feed on cellulose-based materials, wood, paper, plastic, drywall and even polystyrene. Their role in the recycling of earthly materials is of major ecological importance for the environment.

Termites can be found living in wooden structures such as decayed trees, fallen timber and soil. However, if the correct precautions are not put in place, they are renowned for inhabiting our walls, floors and furniture of our homes.

Despite their sizable bodies, typically 1/4 – 1/2 inch in length and up to one inch in king and queen termites, their presence and damage can often remain ‘silent’ until too late.


Most under slabs in houses are treated with chemical termite protection when they are first built. However, these termite protections don’t last forever and insect defences can be breached by a number of factors, including construction work, the addition of untreated materials, and plants and trees surrounding your home.

If a termite invasion is not checked, treated and protected professionally, chances are you will encounter an invasion and over time they can cause damage to ceilings, walls, foundation structures and carpet, which can become very costly to repair. In fact, their highly destructive capability makes them the species of insect most likely to affect our financial position.

How we can help

Once a colony of termites are disturbed, they may retreat to the nest only to reinfest in a new location if they are chemically treated. Termites can severely compromise the strength and safety of an infested structure when left untreated, which is why regular inspections and treatments are key in any preventative strategy of their elimination.

Our team of pest control professionals can implement various methods to significantly reduce the risk posed by these unwelcome guests. Every situation is different and recommended treatment options will vary, which is why you should discuss with your Pest Bully inspector which treatment option is best for you.

Termite Protection Methods

Barrier Treatment – 8yr Warranty

Installation of Reticulation Systems

Routine Inspections

Monitoring and Baiting Stations

Termite Treatments

Internal Foaming Treatment

Internal Dusting Treatment

External Stump Treatments

External Nest Treatments

Contact a Pest Bully inspector BEFORE you disturb a colony of termites and risk reinfestation and further damage! Call us on 1300 701 401.


Rats and mice are gnawing mammals of the rodent family, characterised by their ever-growing upper and lower pairs of incisor teeth. They can be found living in various habitats of both highly built-up cities and more rural areas.

Both mammals eat seeds, grains and other plant material, however rats eat meat too. These nocturnal rodents are often heard at night scurrying in the roof and walls of your home, but they may leave other tracks for you to find such as droppings, gnawing marks and a bad smell.


Unwelcome rodents can make home life a living nightmare. Both rats and mice will enter your home through tiny, discreet holes and have a knack for multiplying quickly, which can cause fast infestations.

If it isn’t the danger of chewed up wires, half eaten boxes of cereal or their nightly scavenger hunts that is driving you barmy, it’s their dreadful odour. Furthermore, rats and mice carry harmful bacteria in their fur and can spread disease to humans and pets in the home – Yuk!

How we can help

Homeowners and business owners have a right and legal obligation to be rodent free. However, even if the thought of having a rodent as a roommate is enough to make you squirm, it is important they are eliminated as humanly as possible.

Our qualified Pest Bully professionals can assist you with the removals of rats and mice through a number of methods, including chemical rodenticides and other forms of physical trapping. As always, every individual case must be taken into consideration to determine the best plan of action.

An onsite inspection is usually required to ascertain potential entry points, the size of the infestation and, where possible, the type of rodent that is causing the problem. Other considerations include the age of the occupants on the premises, whether or not pets are present and, in the case of a business premises, the type of industry trade will also be taken into account.

Got a rodent problem? Call our professional Pest Bullies today on 1300 701 401.


Did you know there are approximately 400 species of cockroach in Australia?

Although you may not be fond of these sizeable, unattractive insects, cockroaches are actually a very important part of the natural environment. They provide a food source for other animals and play an essential role in the breakdown of materials such as dead wood.

Cockroaches, otherwise known as roaches, have a natural attraction to paper and cardboard. Amongst the typical areas that make it easy for cockroaches to get a foothold in your home are books, storage boxes and shopping bags.


Like most living things, cockroaches will inhabit where there are reliable sources of food, water and shelter – and that makes your house a great place to call home. The problem is, they can cause a real nuisance! Due to cockroaches’ fondness for natural and organic materials, they are renowned for damaging books, drapes, wallpaper and other household electrical items and materials.

What’s more, cockroaches can actually be a significant danger to your health. They have an incredible talent for transferring bacteria and disease from one area to another and causing allergic reactions.

How we can help

Our custom cockroach treatment options fall under two categories; preventative treatments and curative treatments.

Preventative treatments can be carried out on an annual, six monthly or quarterly basis, depending on your specific needs and circumstances, whereas curative treatments are usually only adopted when an infestation has already occurred and the aim is to exterminate the activity.

Both treatment categories include methods of chemical treatments. Usually a curative treatment would be done in conjunction with a preventative treatment to protect your home against reinfestation. Treatments options include:

  • Spraying of affected areas to treat cockroaches as they move around
  • Gels which attract the cockroaches to feed and ingest chemical treatments
  • Dry Powder method of the area where cockroaches are known to hide (cracks and crevices)

If you are unsure which type of treatment you require, a Pest Bully consultant is only a phone call away. Contact us on 1300 701 401.


There is a whopping 1300 species of ants in Australia, each of which are in the insect family named formicidaes. Ants are admired for their incredible lifting skills, with the ability to lift 20x their own body weight – now that’s impressive!

Ants start with an ominous trail as they are largely attracted to wet areas or areas where you have food spillage (including pet food bowls), in your home or outdoor entertainment area.

Usually, when outside in their natural habitat, they are of little nuisance to humans. They do however harvest the fungi of the rotten plant materials in the garden.


Fortunately, in Australia most of our ant species are more annoying then menacing. The problem with ants is where there is one there are always hundreds. They seem to appear from nowhere, in gaps you’ve never noticed before, and love to invade bins, school bags, left over food and drains.

What we can do

As always, the method our Pest Bully professionals will recommend will depend on your specific needs and circumstances, however all treatments we use for ants are safe for humans and pets.

Treatments for ants include baits and control sprays. We use a product called Fipronil, which is secreted by spray application and will ensure all unwanted ants disappear … and stay away!

If you’ve got an ant infestation, contact a Pest Bully inspector today on 1300 701 401.


Fleas are closely linked with animals, feeding on the blood of their hosts and moving through their fur or feathers. It is because of this that you are more likely to be troubled by fleas if you have pets living at home.

However, there is a lot more to fleas than just blood sucking. Did you know fleas can jump approximately 20cm high and 150x their body length? Wow, what an insect!


I’m sure you don’t need us to tell you the irritation fleas can cause. They are usually transported into the home via pets, living within their fur and sucking on their blood for nutrition, which can cause your animal a great deal of bother.

If your home becomes flea infested, there is a high chance you and your family will be bitten yourself. In humans, the reaction to a fleabite usually occurs after the flea has moved on some 5-30 minutes after. The saliva of the flea causes the irritation and over the next 24-hours this can turn into welts. The fleabite can even become infected if scratched, most commonly seen in children.

The only disease within Australia distributed by fleas is murine typhus, which is transmitted from rats to humans. However this is extremely uncommon.

What we can do

While there are various treatments available for directly treating your pets, you should always consider treating your home and its surrounds if you have a bad flea infestation. Failing to treat your home is likely to set yourself up for reinfestation of your pet later down the track.


Due to the life cycle of the flea and the propensity of their eggs to lie dormant until they detect vibration or heat, successful treatment of a flea infestation requires good preparation.

You should perform the following preparation procedures prior to any flea treatment:

  • Vacuum all areas of the home and outside entertaining areas where possible
  • Once you have vacuumed, empty the contents into a black plastic bag and hang in the sun to kill off any eggs
  • Treat all animals in the house
  • All pet bedding either needs to be washed in HOT water, or if not possible wrapped in black plastic and placed in the sun
  • Lawns should be mowed short


Treatment for fleas consists of spraying all areas inside and outside of the home, paying particular attention to the areas where your pets frequently visit or sleep. Where necessary, bed mattresses and bases are also treated.

It can take repeated treatments to fully clear the infestation of fleas, but with the right conduct and care from our Pest Bully professionals, you can be confident you’re on your way to a flea free home. Call a Pest Bully inspector today on 1300 701 401


Our Pest Bully technicians are experts in all things pesky. Our safe treatments and advice are sure to keep your home free and protected from any returning nuisances.

The start of any treatment process is to identify the species that is causing the problem. All Pest Bully technicians are trained to correctly identify the pest infesting your home or business. We can then apply the correct strategy to solve your pest problem.

If you have a problematic pest invading your space, call a Pest Bully inspector today on 1300 701 401.

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