The coming of Spring means that the breeding season for insects is just around the corner. But what most people don’t know is that there are certain areas of your property, and habits that we do that can contribute to making our garages the perfect space to shack up for breeding season. The list below shows our tips and tricks to prevent this from happening on your property.
How to Prevent you garage from becoming a breeding ground:
1. Monitor the cornices of the walls for signs of nests or damage (including for wasps)
2. Always stay on top of repairs, a hole the size of a 20c coin is big enough the let rodents in!
3. Always keep your garage dry and free of moisture.
4. Cardboard is not your friend! Use plastic containers for storage and remember to keep them off the floor.
5. Make sure any windows, doors, or entrances to your home are sealed as much as possible, so that if there is an infestation it stays out of the house!!
These measures can help prevent large scale infestations in your garage and help protect your home. But the best way to be prepared for breeding season is to be proactive! Spring is the time of reproduction for many of South East Queensland’s main nuisances, termites, moths, and ants. By getting your pest control done in the end of winter beginning of spring there is a higher chance of getting rid of the nest, or preventing one from being established in the first place, before insect numbers peak in summer.
Get ahead of the infestations this spring and make sure no unwanted cockroaches end up in your Christmas tree box! Contact us on 1300 701 401 and book now.